Planetary Bondaries, Caesar & Sakschewski et al, 2024, cropped CC BY 4.0.png
Comprehensive report about the status of the 9 planetary boundaries as of 2024. The ambition is that the report is to be published annually in the near future
Publisert 2024
Planetary Bondaries, Caesar & Sakschewski et al, 2024, cropped CC BY 4.0.png
Comprehensive report about the status of the 9 planetary boundaries as of 2024. The ambition is that the report is to be published annually in the near future
Åplanetary boundaries 2023. CC BY NC ND 3.0. Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, based on analysis in Richardson et al 2023
For første gang er alle de ni tålegrensene for global bærekraft definert og status analysert. Konklusjonen fra Stockholm Resilience Centre er at seks av de ni grensene er passert.