NNDR 13. forskningskonferanse om funksjonshemminger

The NNDR 13th Research Conference welcomes a wide range of contributions applying social, cultural, historical and philosophical perspectives to the study of disability. Its next conference will be held in the historic Norwegian town of Bergen, May 6 - 8, 2015.

NNDR conferences brings together researchers, policy makers, activists and practitioners to share scholarship and ideas, and provides a forum for Nordic and international collaboration in disability studies. 
The NNDR 13th Research Conference aims at giving new insights into frontline topics, questions and approaches within contemporary Disability Research and will in our plenary session raise the following question:

  • What characterises disability studies as a field?
  • What impact does technology and innovation have on the field?
  • How has the concept of gender been dwelt upon?
  • What are transnational issues in the disability field?
  • What are seen as disabling conditions or practices?

By using different theoretical perspectives through the keynote speakers, the paper sessions as well as symposiums, the conference will focus upon key concepts within the disability field today. Through those, the aim is to contribute to develop the research field by building new networks between researchers, practitioners and disability activists locally, nationally and internationally in the disability field.
Welcome to Bergen and the NNDR 13th Research Conference!
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