Professions and Professionalism med ny utgave (nr 1, 2013)

Professions and Professionalism har kommet med ny utgave (Vol 3, No 1 2013). Følgende artikler er publisert:

Ida Drange, Andre Vågan: Stratification in the medical profession: Non-Western physicians in Norway (pdf)

Harald A. Mieg, Steffen de Sombre, Matthias Andreas Näf: How formality works: the case of environmental professionals (pdf)

Bengt Larsson, Bengt Jacobsson: Discretion in the “Backyard of Law”: Case handling of debt relief in Sweden (pdf)

Pål Lagestad: Does size matter? Short and tall officers policing the streets (pdf)

Per Arne Tufte: Risky professions? Risk of disability in professions in Norway (pdf)

Tidsskriftet presenterer seg slik:

Professions and Professionalism (P&P) is an open-access journal that invites research-based empirical, theoretical or synoptic articles focusing on traditional professions as well as other knowledge based occupational groups approached from any perspective or discipline.

Based in a Nordic context, characterized by prioritizing no single theoretical horizon or methodological approach, the journal creates a space for development of the research field. All articles will be peer reviewed.

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