Tidsskriftet Professions and Professionalism er nettopp kommet ut med nr 2-2012.
Dette nummeret inneholder: Tara Fenwick: Co-production in Professional Practice: A Sociomaterial Analysis
Julia Evetts: Similarities in Contexts and Theorizing: Professionalism and Inequality.
Devin Rexvid, Björn Blom, Lars Evertsson, Annika Forssén: Risk Reduction Technologies in General Practice and Social Work
Elin Funck: Professional Archetype Change: The Effects of Restricted Professional Autonomy
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Tidsskriftet presenterer seg selv slik:
P&P is an open-access journal that invites research-based empirical, theoretical or synoptic articles focusing on traditional professions as well as other knowledge based occupational groups approached from any perspective or discipline.
Based in a Nordic context, characterized by prioritizing no single theoretical horizon or methodological approach, the journal creates a space for development of the research field. All articles will be peer reviewed.