Etikk i Praksis nr 2-2016: Global Justice

Nytt nummer av tidsskriftet Etikk i Praksis er ute. Hovedfokus er teoretisk kontra praktisk tilnærming til global rettferdighet (global justice). Melina Duarte og Tor Ivar Hanstad skriver i lederartikkelen:

"Recently, philosophers and political theorists who defend a more practical or realistic approach to the issue of global justice have challenged the purely theoretical approaches.
Nevertheless, the debate can be regarded as excessively restricted to the discussion about policies and institutions neglecting the non-contingent dimensions of the problem. In principle, both positions, theoretical and practical, may be understood as diverging from each other. However, abstract and concrete demands of justice can also be complementary to each other. Thus, in this special issue of Etikk i Praksis we propose to explore the points of convergence and divergence between the theoretical and the practical approaches to global justice."

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