Tom Skauge

Stilling: Forskningsleder
Utdanning/ tittel: Dr.polit
Adresse: Høgskolen i Bergen,
Avdeling for ingeniørutdanning
Nygårdsgaten 112
Telefon: 55 58 77 30

Tom Skauge er utdannet statsviter med fagene historie, økonomi, administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskap. Både hovedfagsoppgaven og dr.gradsoppgaven er skrevet med profesjonsteoretiske inntak. Et annet hovedtema  har vært forholdet mellom fag og politikk og sivil-militære relasjoner. I de siste 10 år har Skauge også forsket på samferdsel, utdanning, globalisering, internasjonale relasjoner og fattigdom. Han underviser i ledelse og organisasjon ved Institutt for Økonomisk-administrative fag på Høgskolen i Bergen. Han har yrkesbakgrunn fra journalistikk i NRK Hordaland, Internasjonalisering av høgre utdanning i SIU samt undervisnings- og forskerstillinger ved Universitetet i Bergen. Skauge er tidligere forskningsleder ved Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP).


  • Profesjon
  • Organisering-ledelse
  • Fag-politikk
  • Sivil-militære relasjoner
  • Utdanning
  • Globalisering
  • Fattigdom
  • Samferdsel

Professional Experience:

2008- Member of Research Group: Shaping Research Universities in Nile Basin Research Programme
2008- Professions and Societal Development, PhD-course in Bergen Summer Research School. Course leader. Organized by FORPRO, Bergen University College and Knowledge and Politics, University of Bergen
2005- Research leader, Forum for Studies on Professions, FORPRO
2005- Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Bergen University College
2005- Senior Adviser, The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU)
2006-2008 Scientific Director, Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP)
2006-2007 Vice Rector, Bergen University College
2006 Board Chair, Project Innovation Competence of behalf of University of Bergen, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration and Bergen University College
2001-2005 Head of Section, The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU)
1998-2001 Adviser, The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU)
1992-1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen
1990-1992 Project Co-ordinator/Researcher, Centre for Social Research (SEFOS), University of Bergen
1988-1990 Assistant Professor, Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen
1984-1988 Journalist, NRK Hordaland, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)
Academic degrees:
2002 Dr. Polit., Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen
1986 Cand. Polit., Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen
Selected publications:
2005 Is Relevance Relevant? In Halvorsen, Tor and Atle Nyhagen (eds.): “The Bologna Process and the Shaping of the Future Knowledge Societies”, Conference Report, University of Bergen
2005 Tor Halvorsen, Gigliola Mathisen and Tom Skauge: “Identity Formation or Knowledge Shopping. Education and Research in the New Globality”, SIU report Series R3
2005 Co-operation for Knowledge as alternative to marginalization by market in Tor Halvorsen, Gigliola Mathisen and Tom Skauge: “Identity Formation or Knowledge Shopping. Education and Research in the New Globality”,  SIU report Series R3
2004 Tor Halvorsen and Tom Skauge: “Constructing Knowledge Societies? The World Bank and the New Lending Policy for Tertiary Education”, in Journal of Higher Education in Africa, Volume 2, Number 3.
2002 Den tenkende soldat? – Verneplikt I Norge som demokratisk institusjon [The Reflexive Soldier? – Draft in Norway as Democratic Institution]. Rapport nr. 78 (2002) Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen. PhD-degree.
2001 Tom Skauge and Jan O. Jacobsen: “The Role of the Military and the Officer Corps Norwegian Modernisation”, in Fimreite, Anne Lise , Helge O. Larsen and Jacob Aars (eds.): Lekmannsstyre under press. Festskrift til Audun Offerdal, Oslo: Kommuneforlaget 2001.
1994 Tom Skauge: “Contraction and Detraction: Non-Equilibrium Studies of Civil-Military Relations”, in Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 31, No. 2.
Academic service:
2006- Chair Bergen University College Committee on Project Innovation Competence
2005- External Examiner University of Bergen, Norwegian Naval College, Buskerud
2005- Member of the Advisory Board of Global Knowledge, SIU
2004 Editor-in-Chief, Global Knowledge, SIU
2001-2005 Founder and head of ‘Bridges of Knowledge’, SIU’s biennial conference
2001-2005 Responsible leader for ‘The Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Higher Education’ (NUFU), ‘Cooperation Programme with South-Eastern Europe’, ‘The Norad Fellowship Programme’ and ‘The Programme in Arts and Cultural Education’, The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU)
1998-2000 Programme co-ordinator, ‘The Norad Fellowship Programme’, The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU)
Public service:
2006- Chairman of the Bergen chapter of the Norwegian Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (NFU)
2004-2006 Member of the Board of the Bergen chapter of the Norwegian Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (NFU)
1999-2003 Member of the Standing Committee on Finance, Cultural Affairs and Business Development, Town Council, City of Bergen
1995-2003 Councillor, Town Council, City of Bergen